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Building Confidence, Character, & Productivity for Teens 11+

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What is Sidekick to Hero?

Sidekick to Hero is an online curriculum & community that teaches powerful mindset skills using COMEDY and STORIES in short video lessons, livestream events, podcasts, monthly prizes, and competitions!

Tweens and Teens Will Learn:

  • Cognitive Behavioral Techniques (CBT)

  • Self-Governance

  • Emotional Intelligence

  • Antifragility

  • Social Skills

  • Self-Confidence

  • Entrepreneurship

  • Character Building

  • Personal Growth

  • Life Skills

  • Family Values

  • Self-Motivation

  • Productivity

  • Leadership

  • and more!

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Become the Hero of Your Story

In any classic tale, the hero is the character who rises up to change their story. Sidekicks do not.

I believe we were all born to be the hero of our own story, but sometimes we feel like the sidekick.

In Sidekick to Hero, I teach teens how to think, feel, and act differently than the rest of the world so they can avoid getting the sidekick results the majority of teens are getting today.

I'm looking for teens who want to stand out and be different in the best way possible. I'm looking for teens who are ready to kick themselves into HERO MODE!

- Joey Mascio, Creator of Sidekick to Hero

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Mental Resilience Training that Feels Like a Game

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Master the Four H.E.R.O. Arenas!

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Planet 3 teen confidence coaching
Planet 4 teen confidence coaching

A Collection of Captivating Courses

S2H is set up to feel like a video game, so we avoid any "school" sounding words as much as possible. So courses are called "Stages" that teens play through to learn new skills.

Here is the list of stages currently published in S2H.

  • Thought Awareness

    • Becoming aware of limiting beliefs

  • Thought Organization

    • Creating a growth mindset through powerful, purposeful thinking

  • The Secret to Self-Confidence

    • ​Not taking failure personally

  • Emotions Crash Course

    • Beginning your journey to emotional independence and antifragility

  • Anxiety Toolbox

    • Practical tools to help minimize stress

  • Improve Any Relationship

    • Taking ownership over your part and not trying to control others

  • Eliminate Awkward Conversations

    • 10 rules from improv comedy to help you be better at conversations

  • Power in Purpose

    • Getting clear on why you want what you want

  • Get Stuff Done and Have More Fun

    • Stop procrastinating and start achieving at high levels

Subscription Includes

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  • Gamified course library
  • Challenges to complete in real life
  • Monday summary videos
  • Weekly live streams
  • Customizable avatar
  • Monthly giveaways
  • Leaderboards
  • Podcast
  • Event Replays
  • Social Clubs
  • Monthly Virtual Hangouts
  • Quarterly Quest Competitions
per teen

Cheaper than a cell phone
(and this will help solve their problems, not create them. Just sayin')

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Parent Praise

Here's how Sidekick to Hero Works

Play Button teen confidence coaching


Gain XP while watching bite-sized video lessons on everything from positive thinking to tackling homework and building better relationships.

Star teen confidence coaching

Weekly Virtual Events

Keep the momentum going with Hero Training Rooms, live streams that tackle a new topic every week, and our new teen-led Social Clubs!

Customizable Avatar for Sidekick to Hero

Customizable Avatar

Watch your personal growth come to life as you customize your avatar from a sidekick to a full-fledged hero.

Trophy teen confidence coaching


Complete real-life quests and earn in-game points to help you develop powerful mental and emotional skills.

Chest teen confidence coaching

Monthly Prizes

Stay engaged and win awesome gift card giveaways!

Figurine teen confidence coaching

Quarterly Quests

Teens set 3 month goals with parents and compete against other teens to stick to their goals for a chance to win $100!

I Get It - The Teen Years are TOUGH!

It's especially hard to be a teen when you THINK LIKE A SIDEKICK! You give up all your power or never even access it to begin with. This results in self-doubt, procrastination, and being overwhelmed by stress.

How do you stop this?


Avatar Trio New for teen tween confidence resilience program

Add Mental Resilience to Your Teen's Education

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Light Bulb teen confidence coaching

Schools Don't Teach This

I was a middle school teacher and counselor for seven years. Schools are designed for the "hard skills" of reading, writing, and arithmetic. There are no classes on the "soft skills" of mental & emotional resilience. That's why I created Sidekick to Hero.

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Sign Post teen confidence coaching

Perfect Resource for Involved Parents

Teens that get the most out of Sidekick to Hero are the ones whose parents make sure they sign in and watch something at least 3 times a week. If you get them in the app, I'll take care of the rest!

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Rocket Ship teen confidence coaching

Maximize Their Success

Many teens have the academic skills to survive after high school, but not the mental flexibility and emotional control to really thrive. The skills taught in Sidekick to Hero will multiply your teen's potential for success!

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Proven Strategies

Proven strategies to help tweens and teens build confidence and be successful

Lessons and skills taught are based in Cognitive Behavioral Techniques (CBT), emotional processing skills, and a myriad of effective strategies for success from influential authors, coaches, and experts such as:

  • Stephen R. Covey (7 Habits of Highly Effective People)

  • James Clear (Atomic Habits)

  • Viktor Frankl (Man's Search for Meaning)

  • The Arbinger Institute (Leadership and Self-Deception)

  • Jody Moore (Better Than Happy)

  • Brooke Castillo (The Life Coach School)

  • Simon Sinek (The Infinite Game)

  • Cal Newport (Deep Work)

  • Nassim Nicholas Taleb (Antifragile)

  • Daniel Coyle (The Talent Code)

  • Napoleon Hill (Own Your Own Mind)

  • Carol S. Dweck (Growth Mindset)

  • Todd Herman (The Alter Ego Effect)

  • Dave Ramsey (Total Money Makeover)

  • Robert Kiyosaki (Rich Dad, Poor Dad)

  • Abigail Shrier (Bad Therapy)

  • Jonathan Haidt & Greg Lukianoff (The Coddling of the American Mind)

  • and more!

I take the awesome ideas these powerful thought leaders teach and present them in short, humor-filled lessons that teens can understand and remember!


A Sidekick to Hero subscription can be paid for through various state and charter school funding sources for homeschool families! Payment is currently approved through the following programs and scholarships in Utah and Arizona: Utah Fits All, Harmony Ed, OpenEd (formerly MyTech High), Children's First, and the Arizona Empowerment Student Account.

Utah Fits All scholarship approved vendor
Arizona ESA Logo
Harmony Educational Services Utah
OpenEd logo
Children's First Education Fund Logo
No phone teen confidence training program

No Smart Phone Needed

I'm not a fan of teens having smart phones, so I designed Sidekick to Hero to be a web-based app that can be access on a web-browser on any device.

iOS and Android apps are being developed as we speak and will release in the next year. So, I'm not a total hater.

Who the Heck am I, Anyway?

Meet Your Teen's New Mentor

My Stats Joey Mascio Teen Confidence Coach Sidekick to Hero

Glad you asked! I'm Joey Mascio, I like Flammin Hot Cheetos, Cookie Crisp cereal, and snowboarding.

But here's the stuff about me that parents actually care about:

Masters in Education

I was a middle school teacher and counselor for 7 years in Southern California where I was nominated for Teacher of the Year in my region, ran the Positive Behavior Intervention System (PBIS), and volunteered to be the full time teacher in the discipline office where I first started coaching teens on mental resilience and success.

Joey Mascio, Owner and founder of Sidekicktohero
A teacher instruction a class of teen students

Professionally Certified CBT Coach

I have run my own coaching business for 6 years where I use cognitive behavioral techniques (CBT) to coach teens on confidence and creating success. I received my life coach certification from The Life Coach School and an advanced certification in Faith-based Coaching from Jody Moore.

Motivational Speaker

I've spoken at schools, church activities, girls camps, homeschool conventions, and small co-ops across the country. It's my favorite! Email me if you need a high-energy, confidence building presentation for teens.

Joey instructing as a teacher and a life coach to those who need it
Performing mad hatter darth maul improv comedy teen confidence coaching

Performer, Writer, and Comedian

I have over 25 years of experience as a stage actor, a character performer at Disneyland, and an improv comedian, plus I have a Bachelor's degree in Creative Writing. I use those storytelling skills and comedy chops to make my lessons engaging and entertaining for tweens and teens.

Family, Faith, and Freedom

I love my family, my faith, and my freedom ('Merica!). My wife and I live in Utah with our four kids and we are raising them to love God and respect people of all beliefs and backgrounds. Sidekick to Hero is a non-woke, secular program that does NOT teach principles from any one religion, but also doesn't shy away from saying that having faith in something is awesome.

Joey Mascio and his family
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